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Fisher Two Kiwisaver Cash Enhanced (0P0000HK5B)

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2,135 +0,010    +0,24%
15/05 - Zamknięty. Wartość w NZD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Nowa Zelandia
Emitent:  Fisher Funds Management Limited
Klasa aktywu:  Akcja
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 305,7M
Fisher TWO KiwiSaver Cash Enhanced (Dflt) 2,135 +0,010 +0,24%

Przegląd 0P0000HK5B

Na tej stronie znajdziesz szczegółowy profil Fisher Two Kiwisaver Cash Enhanced. Uzyskaj informacje m.in. o kluczowych członkach kierownictwa, sumie aktywów, strategii inwestycyjnej i danych kontaktowych 0P0000HK5B.

Multisector - Conservative

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Informacje kontaktowe

Adres Auckland
New Zealand
Telefon 64 9 445 3377
Fax 64 9 489 7139

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Mark Brighouse - 2013 Teraz
Jamie Young Investment Analyst 2010 2013
Biografia Jamie has over ten years of investment experience in the NZ industry. Prior to founding Castle Point Funds Management, Jamie was an Equity Analyst at Tower Investments where he also managed the strategic asset allocation of Tower’s diversified funds. Prior to Tower Investments, Jamie worked as an Investment Consultant at Mercer, where he was responsible for fund management research, diversified strategic asset allocation projects and general client consulting. Jamie immigrated to New Zealand in 2002, completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Viticulture and Oenology at Lincoln University and then worked as a winemaker in Hawke’s Bay for Vidals and Crossroads. Jamie holds a Masters of Mathematics (First Class Honours) from Oxford University and is a CFA charterholder. Jamie is married to Claire, they have two young children. Jamie likes going fast, either mountain biking or as a driver at track open days with his Lotus 7 replica sports car.
Richard Stubbs Head 2010 2013
Biografia Richard has over 27 years of commercial and investment experience. Prior to founding Castle Point Funds Management, Richard was Head of Equities for Tower Investments in Auckland, which managed over $4bn in assets including circa $1bn in equities. Prior to Tower Investments, Richard was an investment manager at New Zealand Trade and Enterprise. He was also an equity analyst and fund manager for Prudential Portfolio Managers in Wellington and London. Furthermore, Richard has 7 years commercial experience as founding investor and CEO of UK Explorer Limited, a successful internet business in the United Kingdom. Richard holds a Master of Commerce (Hons) in Finance and Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of Auckland. He has had several articles published on New Zealand equities, bonds and fixed interest returns.
Stephen Bennie Equity Manager 2010 2013
Biografia Stephen has over 26 years of investments experience and 18 years of portfolio management experience. Prior to founding Castle Point Funds Management, Stephen was Equities Manager at Tower Investments, where he co-managed the global and domestic equity portfolios. Before he joined Tower Investments, he worked as Senior Portfolio Manager for NZ Funds Management, where he managed an equity income fund.
Andrew Lance Manager Fixed Interest 2010 2013
Biografia "Andrew is primarily responsible for the portfolio construction and asset selection of TOWER’s New Zealand fixed interest and money market portfolios, which represent approximately a third of funds under management. Another aspect of his role involves oversight of the global bond funds and foreign exchange positioning. He is also a member of TOWER’s Asset Allocation Committee. His career in financial markets extends over 25 years, initially in the City of London before moving to New Zealand in 1993. Andrew has been with TOWER for the last 3 years. "
Craig Alexander Global Bond Manager 2008 2013
Biografia Craig is responsible for $2.5 billion of domestic and international fixed interest. Craig has over twenty years of dealing room experience with bonds, foreign exchange, swaps, futures commodities and hedge fund strategies. Central to our asset suite are our sub delegated international bond managers and Craig is accountable for the performance and management of these funds. As a senior fixed interest dealer for NZI in Singapore and subsequently Westpac Institutional Bank in New Zealand, Craig has an intimate knowledge of financial markets and is a member of the Asset Allocation Committee.
Brent Buchanan Head of Property 2008 2013
Biografia Brent is responsible for the asset composition and financial performance of the Fund, and ensuring that its investment objectives are achieved. He also manages the investor and trustee relationship. Brent joined in 2008, having spent 14 years with AMP Capital Investors (NZ) Limited in analytical, property development, ownership and management roles. Brent is a foundation member of the NZ Property Institute, and is a committee member on the NZ Property Council.
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  • Wzbogacaj dyskusję
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