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Manulife Monthly High Income Fund Series F (0P000075RI)

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12,941 -0,110    -0,81%
29/05 - Zamknięty. Wartość w CAD ( Zastrzeżenie )
Typ:  Fundusz
Rynek:  Kanada
Emitent:  Manulife Investments
Klasa aktywu:  Inne
  • Ocena firmy Morningstar:
  • Aktywa ogółem: 8,49B
Manulife Monthly High Income Fund Series F 12,941 -0,110 -0,81%

Przegląd 0P000075RI

Na tej stronie znajdziesz szczegółowy profil Manulife Monthly High Income Fund Series F. Uzyskaj informacje m.in. o kluczowych członkach kierownictwa, sumie aktywów, strategii inwestycyjnej i danych kontaktowych 0P000075RI.

Canadian Neutral Balanced

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Adres North Tower Floor 3
Toronto,ON M4W 1E5
Telefon 416 581 8350
Fax 416 581 8428

Kierownictwo najwyższego szczebla

Nazwa Tytuł Od Do
Roshan Thiru Managing Director 2020 Teraz
Biografia Roshan Thiru, CFA, is a senior managing director and head of the Canadian Fixed Income team at Manulife Investment Management. In this role, he is responsible for the Toronto and Montreal-based Fixed Income and Money Market teams who manage client portfolios in actively-managed Canadian fixed income strategies, including fixed income balanced and other customized mandates. Previously Roshan was a senior portfolio manager focusing on investment grade corporate debt mandates. Prior to joining Manulife, he was a lead analyst with DBRS, covering the energy, project finance, and utility sectors.
Jonathan Popper Portfolio Manager 2006 Teraz
Biografia Jonathan Popper is a senior managing director and senior portfolio manager for Manulife Investment Management’s Value Equity team. The Value Equity team manages multiple strategies for institutional and retail clients, including Canadian All Cap Equity, Canadian Large Cap Value Equity, Canadian Focused Equity, Dividend Income, U.S. Dividend, Canadian Balanced, U.S. Balanced and Global Balanced. Jonathan previously worked as part of the North American High Yield Investment Team. Prior to joining Manulife Investment Management, Jonathan worked with CIBC Investment Services and CIBC Wood Gundy.
Prakash Chaudhari Portfolio Manager 2006 Teraz
Biografia Prakash Chaudhari, CFA, is a managing director and senior portfolio manager for Manulife Investment Management’s Value Equity team. The team has won numerous investment awards and accolades over the past 20 years. The Value Equity team manages multiple strategies for institutional and retail clients, including Canadian All Cap Equity, Canadian Large Cap Value Equity, Canadian Focused Equity, Dividend Income, US Dividend Income, Canadian Balanced, US Balanced and Global Balanced. Education: York University, MBA, 2000 Joined Company: 2000 Began Career: 2000
Saurabh Moudgil - 2020 2023
Biografia Saurabh is a managing director and portfolio manager for Manulife Investment Management’s Value Equity team. The team has won numerous investment awards and accolades over the past 20 years. The Value Equity team manages multiple strategies for institutional and retail clients, including Canadian All Cap Equity, Canadian Large Cap Value Equity, Canadian Focused Equity, Dividend Income, US Dividend Income, Canadian Balanced, US Balanced and Global Balanced. Previously, Saurabh was a member of Manulife’s Passive Equity Investment Team.
Alan Wicks Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager 1997 2022
Biografia Alan Wicks is a senior managing director and senior portfolio manager for Manulife Asset Management. Alan is founder and team leader for the Value Equity team. The team has won numerous investment awards and accolades over the past 20 years. The team manages multiple strategies for institutional and retail clients, including Canadian All Cap Equity, Canadian Large Cap Value Equity, Canadian Focused Equity, Dividend Income, U.S. Dividend Income, Canadian Balanced, U.S. Balanced and Global Balanced. Alan is the lead manager for all Balanced Strategies.
Conrad Dabiet Portfolio Manager 2005 2020
Biografia Conrad Dabiet, CFA, is a senior managing director and senior portfolio manager for Manulife Investment Management’s Value Equity team. The team has won numerous investment awards and accolades over the past 20 years. The Value Equity team manages multiple strategies for institutional and retail clients including Canadian All Cap Equity, Canadian Large Cap Value Equity, Canadian Focused Equity, Dividend Income, US Dividend, Canadian Balanced, US Balanced and Global Balanced. Conrad is the lead manager for Dividend Income and US Dividend Income strategies.
Duncan Anderson Portfolio Manager 1997 2019
Biografia Duncan Anderson, CFA, CBV, is a senior managing director and senior portfolio manager for Manulife Asset Management. Duncan is the lead manager for the Value Equity team’s Canadian Focused Equity and Canadian All Cap Equity strategies.
MFC Global Canadian Equity Team Other Executives 2001 2001
Biografia Under the direction of Mark Schmeer, Vice-President, North American Equities, the Canadian Equity Team manages total assets in excess of $2.2 billion. The Team uses a variety of investment styles, including value, growth at a reasonable price and growth.
Gordon Higgins Other Executives 1997 2000
Biografia Gordon leads the Equity Management Team, which is responsible for equity selections and risk management techniques for a number of closed-end trust portfolios. Gordon has more than 20 years of experience in the financial services industry, including 15 years as a portfolio manager specializing in North American equities. His experience includes the lead management of a $2.3 billion fund. He joined Sentry Select in 2004.
Gary Stewart Portfolio Manager 1997 2000
Biografia Mr. Stewart joined Lincluden as a fixed income portfolio manager. Prior to joining Lincluden, he held the position of Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager, North American Fixed Income at MFC Global Investment Management. In that role he had responsibility for the management of C$20 billion of Canadian and U.S. fixed income investments for a variety of Canadian and U.S. based corporate, institutional and mutual fund clients. Mr. Stewart has over 35 years of investment experience including senior positions in fixed income management with ING Investment Management in both Canada and and US
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